Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS is not accepting exam appointments, checkups or cleanings.
Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS accepts only surgical procedures that require special attention typically root canals, extractions or implants.
If the patient has a problem that requires Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS then they typically have examination with our associate dentists with xrays, diagnosis and sometimes a preliminary cleaning.
After the associate dentists treatment plan surgical procedures then the patient will be offered an appointment with Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS for consult and/or treatment.
Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee will be standing by if someone in your family needs a tough extraction or root canal one day.
Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS (and all the dentists in our dental office) are only general dentists. You should always get second opinion or expert level care from specialist dentists such as endodontist, oral surgeon, periodontist, prosthodontist, orthodontist and/or pedodontist to get the highest level of care. Specialist dentists are far superior to general dentists in every way. They have amazing training that is much more advanced than a general dentist. Furthermore, they have experience that is light years ahead of any general dentist's experience with these complicated procedures. Thus, even though Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS and other general dentists perform extractions, root canals and implants we can never hope to have the same level of expertise as a formally trained specialist dentist. Thus, we recommend Dr. Charles Fields Periodontist, Dr. Pedram Yahgmaie Oral Surgeon, Brian A. Mahler, DDS, Prosthodontist, Dr. Lan Tran Orthodontist, Dr. Alan Wonhee Lee, DDS, MS endodontist, etc.
Additionally, Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS is a general dentist who graduated from MCV Dental School in March 2009. Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS graduated from dental school with distinction due to extracurricular experience volunteering in the oral surgery clinic at VCU dental school. Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS was allowed to do 100+ extractions in a very fast-paced environment with emphasis on how to properly evaluate a patient’s health history and physical examination. Several oral surgery professors taught dental students like Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS the principles of non-traumatic tooth extraction. Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS currently considers his strongest talents to be CAD/CAM robotic crowns & veneers; in addition to chair-side composite veneers. Please call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gholam Ali Miamee DDS or any of our excellent dentists. It is a pleasure and an honor to be your family’s Reston dentist.
Office Hours
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday emergency only by appointment only
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We provide high-quality dental care for the entire family.