Dr. Andrea B. Rodriguez DDS
Dr. Andrea B. Rodriguez DDS is a cosmetic and family dentist serving the community of Reston, VA. She attended Virginia Commonwealth University, where she received her dental degree. Dr. Andrea B. Rodriguez DDS is a part of ‘Reston Family Dental Center’, where she sees patients for dental consultations, fillings, implants, root canals, and wisdom tooth problems, as well as other common and specialized reasons. She is a member of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Student Dental Association. Dr. Andrea B. Rodriguez DDS enjoys giving back to her community and has participated in many volunteer activities. She is tri-lingual in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Dr. Andrea B. Rodriguez DDS believes in listening to each patient and creating a partnership to maintain and improve lifelong health. ‘Reston family Dental Center’ is thrilled to have this compassionate and skillful dentist as part of our team! Please schedule an appointment to meet our doctors and discuss your personal dental needs.